NDL vs Redhill
On Saturday, Bletchingley had a fantastic result against Redhill in the North Downs League, winning on all three rinks to take maximum points from the afternoon.
The top rink was Brian R, Gerry, and Julie C, who won 33-7, with another comfortable 21-13 win on rink 4 for Trevor, Steve, and Lorraine. And then there was the nail-biting last-ditch (pun intended) result on the remaining rink. With Bletchingley holding one on the last end and the score tied at 16-all, the Redhill skip took the jack into the ditch on the final bowl, along with one of the Redhill bowls. But his toucher spilt sideways, and the ditch bowl was dead, leaving Mike’s back bowl as the winning shot! Mike F, Roy, and Chris M finished 17-16 up to make it a clean sweep, bringing the overall score to 71-36
As if that wasn’t enough, Chris, Lorraine, and Julie provided a superb selection of homemade scones, pastries, and biscuits for everyone to eat afterwards.
Thanks are also due to Brian M, who ran the bar and took the photos.
Well done to everyone who played yesterday, and a big thank you to those who came to spectate and support both sides.
The next NDL match is away at Caterham on Sunday 16th July, so put it in your diaries now!